Jeff Koons retrospective at the Whitney

Every so often I am reminded just how lucky we are to be living where we do, and last Saturday was one of these occasions. The Jeff Koons retrospective currently on show at the Whitney Museum has received a mixed reception from the critics, but given that it is taking place a mere half-mile from our front door there was no excuse for missing it, and we strolled along to join the admissions queue after breakfast.Jeff Koons at the Whitney

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And, finally, Vancouver. (Not that I’d forgotten about this post, oh no.) My first impression was that I could move there tomorrow, though after 5 days it was starting to feel a little quiet for my taste (I’ve clearly been ruined by London and New York!).

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Kabuki, and other excursions

Having had a different sort of weekend, I thought it was probably time for an update. Rather than our usual culture-fest we spent most of Saturday, and half of Sunday, trekking around parts of New Jersey and Queens. Our aim is to find somewhere new to live when our current lease expires in the Autumn – we love the Upper East Side but it is a little pricey, plus after almost two years in the same place (two years!) it seems like a good time to try a different area – so we wanted to visit a few cheaper neighbourhoods and see what we thought of them. Mostly we eliminated options from the list, but we do have one or two possibilities to investigate further, so watch this space…! Continue reading