Marvellous Matisse

Taking advantage of an unexpected free morning, I decided to brave the masses and try to get in to MoMA to see the Matisse Cut-Outs exhibition. Apparently it was Tate Modern’s most popular exhibition to date, and before it opened in New York they were predicting huge volumes of eager viewers this side of the Atlantic too. It was certainly a lot busier than I would have expected for an off-season Monday morning, but in the end I had less than an hour to wait before my allocated timeslot, and whiling away some time in MoMA is not exactly a challenge – in fact I came across a display of Toulouse Lautrec lithographs, which was well worth a look. Continue reading

Hello Hoboken

Part of the reason we’ve been ludicrously busy recently is that we decided to move. The Upper East Side is a wonderful area to live, but it was costing us far too much money, and having been in the same apartment for two years it felt like a good time to make a change when the lease came up for renewal in September. Continue reading

And we’re back

Which isn’t to say that we’ve been away (sadly), but rather that a stupidly busy couple of months have just staggered to a close, and I finally have time to blog about things again.
Rather than overwhelm everyone (myself included) with separate posts about absolutely everything we’ve been up to, what follows is a digest of some of the cultural highlights, and I’ll write separately about a few other things over the next week or so.

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