Mr Morgan’s Library

Shortly after arriving at the Morgan Library I was vexed by two not-particularly-helpful questions – why had it taken me so long to get around to visiting, and why was there no queue to get in? Free entry beginning at 7pm on a Friday is perhaps their strategy for keeping the crowds down, but everyone elses’ loss was very much our gain, and we enjoyed looking around with comparatively few other visitors getting in the way.

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Mr Morgan’s Library

Shortly after arriving at the Morgan Library I was vexed by two not-particularly-helpful questions – why had it taken me so long to get around to visiting, and why was there no queue to get in? Free entry beginning at 7pm on a Friday is perhaps their strategy for keeping the crowds down, but everyone elses’ loss was very much our gain, and we enjoyed looking around with comparatively few other visitors getting in the way.

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A walk in the woods

A question for you: how do you think Tom & Emma spent what was probably the hottest Saturday of the year so far? Were they a) hanging out in some air conditioned mall or movie theatre; b) relaxing on the sands at Coney Island, or under a shady tree in Central Park; or c) schlepping upstate to walk 7 miles up a series of steep hillside trails, with the added possibility of encountering a bear along the way?


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